Connecticut Resident Directory

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Connecticut resident database on people in Connecticut.

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Why using Connecticut Resident Directory ?

Connecticut Resident Directory is a comprehensive listing of individuals who reside in the state of Connecticut. This directory can be a valuable resource for individuals and organizations that need to find contact information for Connecticut residents.

Out directory can also be used by individuals who are looking for contact information for friends or family members who live in the State of Connecticut. By searching for a person's name in the directory, individuals can quickly locate their contact information and reach out to them.

It's important to note that while Connecticut Resident Directory is a valuable resource, it can also raise privacy concerns. Some individuals may not want their contact information to be publicly available, and they have the right to opt-out of being included in the directory.

Overall, the Connecticut Resident Directory can be a useful tool for individuals and organizations that need to find contact information for Connecticut residents.

The “Constitution State” and it's residents

Connecticut is known as the "Constitution State" because of its significant contribution to the development of the United States Constitution.

In 1639, Connecticut adopted the Fundamental Orders, which is considered to be the first written constitution in North America. The document was a series of laws that established the structure of government in the colony, including the establishment of a legislature and a judicial system. The Fundamental Orders were considered a significant development in the history of democratic government, and they were influential in the development of later colonial and state constitutions.

The small state located in the northeastern region of the United States, has a population of approximately 3.6 million people. Known for its charming coastal towns, beautiful forests, and excellent schools, Connecticut has a unique blend of urban and rural communities, creating a diverse population of residents.

Connecticut residents are often characterized by their love of tradition, hard work, and strong family values. The state's history is deeply rooted in colonial times, and residents often take pride in preserving and celebrating this heritage. From the historic architecture of the state's cities and towns to the annual fall festivals and traditional New England clam bakes, Connecticut residents cherish their state's rich history.

Another defining trait of Connecticut residents is their work ethic. The state is home to many successful businesses, including financial services, insurance, and technology companies. Many residents have made their careers in these industries and take pride in their professionalism and dedication. This work ethic is also evident in the state's excellent schools and universities, which consistently rank among the top in the nation.

Despite Connecticut's reputation for affluence, the state also has a significant population of working-class residents. In fact, the state has one of the highest income inequality rates in the country. This diversity of income levels creates a unique blend of cultures and experiences, from the wealthy enclaves of Greenwich and Westport to the working-class neighborhoods of Bridgeport and New Haven.

Connecticut residents also value their natural surroundings. The state is home to many beautiful parks, beaches, and forests, which residents often enjoy hiking, biking, and skiing. The state's small size makes it easy for residents to escape the hustle and bustle of city life and enjoy the tranquility of nature.

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Connecticut Residents Public Facts by Demographics

Race & ethnicity

The population based on race they identify as is as follows 2,339,665 (65.62%) White, 360,830 (10.12%) Black, 5,738 (0.16%) Native, 165,523 (4.64%) Asian, 1,155 (0.03%) Islander, 11,912 (0.33%) Other, 79,510 (2.23%) Two+ and 600,954 (16.86%) Hispanic people living here.


Median household income

$78,833 about one fifth higher than the figure in United States ($65,712)

Per capita income

$45,359 about one quarter higher than the figure in United States ($35,672)

Household Income

Divided by yearly income we have 451,812 (32.81%) Under $50k, 377,336 (27.40%) $50k-$100k, 365,858 (26.57%) $100k-$200k and 182,160 (13.23%) $200k+ income homes.


Children (Under 18)

Children living in poverty are 101,233 (14.14%) Poverty and 614,888 (85.86%) Non-poverty children.

Seniors (65+)

Dividing Seniors (65+) by above and below the poverty line we have 44,320 (7.28%) Poverty and 564,777 (92.72%) Non-poverty seniors.

Units & Occupancy

Housing units

1,524,959 United States: 139,686,209

Median value of owner-occupied housing units

$280,700 about one fifth higher than the figure in United States ($240,500)

Ownership of occupied units

Splitting by renters vs owners we have 895,594 (65.03%) Owner occupied and 481,572 (34.97%) Renter occupied houses.

Occupied vs Vacant

Of all the homes we have 1,377,166 (90.31%) Occupied and 147,793 (9.69%) Vacant dwellings.

Types of structure

Dividing by the types of structures there are 972,897 (67.85%) Single unit, 449,730 (31.37%) Multi Unit, 10,931 (0.76%) Mobile Home and 299 (0.02%) Boat, RV, van, etc. residences.

Educational attainment

High school graduate or higher

90.71% less than 5 percent higher than the figure in United States (88.61%)

Bachelors degree or higher

39.84% about one fifth higher than the figure in United States (33.13%)

Population by minimum level of education

Dividing by the minimum level of education people have there are 231,839 (9.29%) No degree, 668,361 (26.77%) High school, 601,672 (24.10%) Some college, 549,166 (22.00%) Bachelor's and 445,382 (17.84%) Post grad residents.

Population by level of education

Going by level of education people have attained there are 103,033 (3.63%) Less than 9th grade, 163,966 (5.78%) 9th-12th grade, 544,339 (19.18%) Some college, 601,853 (21.21%) Bachelor's, 205,002 (7.22%) Associate's, 770,536 (27.15%) High school graduate and 449,126 (15.83%) Graduate/professional degree graduates.

Public Assistance

Total Public Assistance in the last 12 months

$156,589,900 less than 5 percent the rate in United States ($8,057,680,800)

Households On Public Assistance Income

3.03% about two fifths higher than the figure in United States (2.18%)

Households On Food Stamps

12.42% about 10 percent higher than the figure in United States (11.35%)

Households on Social Security

12.02% less than 10 percent higher than the figure in United States (11.35%)

Public Assistant Income Per Household Last 12 Months

$755 - about three fifths higher than the figure in United States ($485); includes only households receiving public assistant income

Social Security Per Household Last 12 Months

$21,572 about 10 percent higher than the figure in United States ($19,872); includes only households receiving Social Security

Connecticut Voters Demographics

By Age Range

Looking at age there are 29,305 (1.23%) 18-20 years, 361,949 (15.23%) 20-30 years, 372,936 (15.69%) 30-40 years, 336,181 (14.14%) 40-50 years, 434,923 (18.30%) 50-60 years and 841,945 (35.42%) 60 years or older residents.

By Party Affiliation

Dividing by party there are 966,157 (40.64%) U, 888,203 (37.36%) D, 484,577 (20.38%) R, 32,555 (1.37%) It and 5,748 (0.24%) Other registered voters.

By Gender

Counting by gender at birth there are 1,205,346 (50.70%) Female, 1,051,974 (44.25%) Male and 119,920 (5.04%) Unknown people.

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